Tuesday 26 July 2011

Raising Chickens In The City

Raising Chickens In The City

I love having chickens because for me it's actually a calm quite moment everyday.  Everyday i start my morning coming in here hanging out with the chickens i gets really relaxed, centered now think about what i am gonna be doing that day in a really peaceful beautiful space. They are really entertaining they are fun to watch they are always dong ridiculous things their characters their legs clowns.

Right now we are working to really promote educational program being around this seem to be agriculture. One of those being raising chickens and live stock in addition to gardening and raising incurring food in the city.
Here they are feeding these chickens a lot of food crafts and also working with some times coffee and 6 point bury u think those scraps from both are those operations so these chickens are using that main sources food
 and so its reducing lot of waste and its also providing eggs.
There are challenges raising poultry in the city which is actually why we have a program  to teach. People who are interested in keeping chickens either in gardens or in their backyards. How they do it properly to keep happy and healthy hands and how to really integrate their chickens into their gardens in a healthy way.

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